About JCFS

Vision and Strategy

Learn from Everywhere, with Everyone and Anytime in a Creative and Innovative Way.

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The vision of JCFS is to form the future of university education in Asia. The world is changing at a rapid pace with revolutionary changes taking place all the time, changing the way we live and work. The fundamental changes in technologies, sometimes referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, are changing jobs and professional structures.

Yet, the universities we see today are not much different from the universities of the 20th century. The traditional set of majors, the in-class lecturing system, learning based on memorization of theoretical concepts and frameworks still dominate university education. JCFS aims to change this. JCFS proposes a new and unique educational system, unprecedented in Asia. JCFS will transcend all of the learning boundaries in the traditional educational system and provide education for the leaders of the future.

Educational Strategy

JCFS will embody the future of university education in Asia through three pillars of educational strategy. First, JCFS offers a student-centric agile curriculum. JCFS has three core majors - Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science, and Data Science - that are the most demanded areas of study in today’s technological and business environment. However, the real difference JCFS brings to students is the various convergence modules that will be continuously selected based on student feedback and market demand, which are essential to every business and future organizations. The modules will target very specialized fields, enabling you to converge your knowledge in your major onto a specific job within an industry to give you an edge.

Second, JCFS has multinational learning environments and all students will study in foreign countries. This is not an exchange student program where only a handful of students get an opportunity to study abroad. All students will become a true global citizen by living and learning in different countries. The future will need professionals who can understand diverse cultures of the world and be confident working in countries with different business environments. JCFS will help you gain such global capabilities by providing education in multinational learning environments along with a real-world project.

Third, JCFS provides an innovative, hybrid learning platform that incorporates both online and offline learning. Online learning will enable you to get instruction and mentoring from world-class experts no matter where you are or where the experts are. The boundary of geographic location will no longer hinder you from being taught by global top experts. The online learning platform will also help you immerse yourself in your area of study by providing various learning guides and open source material for your self-study. Offline projects will let you engage in team-based work with your culturally diverse fellow students. Your offline learning will be guided and supported by our regional mentors.

We invite you to take this exciting opportunity to learn from everywhere, with everyone and anytime in a creative and innovative way. Come join us and let’s create a different future together!

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